Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What If

This is a post that will examine a particular fictional scenario for how technology will fit into the future:

The skyscrapers glimmered in the artificial light as we sped by them at a speed greater than light. We would not dare risk going over the speed limit, since the cops have bugs planted in every legal hover car that is sold to monitor speed. We were going to head to the local drone store to pick up our groceries but the government just informed us that malfunctions have kept the drones from docking. This entire district would have to wait. Hopefully we won't starve. Dad had to head to the local clinic because of a pesky flu that took effect. We docked into the station and headed into the clinic. At the check in desk, the retina scanners and blood samplers confirmed that we were who we are and automatically pulled up our insurance. Doctors have not been around since the med-tool was introduced to the public - anyone can pull the trigger on a device so robots have now taken that job. With a simple scan of his arm, the robot was able to eliminate the virus and also give another vaccine against this particular strain of flu. He instantaneously felt better and we would be on our way.

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